Shin Beh, MD

About Dr. Shin Beh

Nutraceuticals are products containing specific nutrients that have physiological benefits. In other words, nutraceuticals are the dietary supplements taken to improve health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 60% of US adults consume dietary supplements. This trend increases with age and almost three-quarters of US adults over the age of 60 takes at least one supplement. It is obvious that the demand for nutraceuticals is huge and a simple trip to your local supermarket reveals aisles of many different supplements. With so many choices, confusion is inevitable. What works? What’s the right dose? Which manufacturer is the best? With a variety of nutraceuticals purporting a host of different health benefits, how many supplements should one take?

After treating thousands of patients with complex neurological disorders, I find that many people seek holistic, natural remedies for their conditions, not just pharmacological therapies. Almost all my patients ask me about science-backed, natural therapies for their conditions. Because my traditional medical training never prepared me for this, I grew curious and combed through published scientific and medical articles to learn more about nutraceuticals with scientifically-proven benefits. Over several years and thousands of patient interactions, I learned more about which nutraceuticals work in real life and which don’t. My journey of discovering powerful, natural remedies for my patients has truly been an exciting, humbling, and eye-opening.

At Trutyna, my vision is to create neuroceuticals: designer natural supplements specially formulated to optimize different neurological functions. Based on my knowledge and experience, I design formulations that contain research-backed nutraceuticals to create supplements that are both effective and easy-to-use.


Dr. Shin Beh is a board-certified neurologist with over a decade of experience treating thousands of patients with a host of neurological symptoms, including vertigo, dizziness, imbalance, motion sickness, headache, head pressure, pain, motion sickness, nausea, brain fog, fatigue, tinnitus, and sleep disturbances.

Dr. Beh completed a residency in neurology and a unique, triple-center fellowship in otoneurology, neuroimmunology, and neuro-ophthalmology at the University of Texas Southwestern, Johns Hopkins University, and New York University. Upon completing his training, he joined the UT Southwestern Neurology Department faculty and eventually went on to found the Beh Center for Vestibular & Migraine Disorders.

Dr. Beh is the author of over 50 peer-reviewed scientific papers. He is also the author of several books, including Disembark: Overcoming Mal de Debarquement Syndrome, The Migraine Mediterranean Diet, The Migraine Manual, and the best-selling book for vestibular migraine now in its third edition – Victory Over Vestibular Migraine.